The big 3-0. Why is there such a
fear in certain people about turning 30? It is just an age after all and, as
the saying goes, you are as young as you feel. Another saying is “Age ain’t
nothing but a number.” People either plan an awesome time for their 30th
birthday and look forward to it or they dread it and do not want to let go of
their 20s. At the time of this writing I am one year away from turning 30. Not sure
how I feel about it. I guess I kind feel old but at the same time I still feel
like an idiot kid who still has yet to get their adult shit together. Whenever I
see people I knew from high school on Facebook post their wedding pictures or
pictures of their kids I freak out because seeing that shit makes me feel old
and also immature (But am I jealous of these people and would I want that kind
of life? HELL FUCKING NO!).
have been plenty of movies where someone turns a new decade older and they either
have a life crisis or go all out. For example, the (terrible) movie This Is 40 where everything goes wrong
for the main characters. Then there are those dumb annoying movies about
someone turning 21. We get it you are turning 21 and want to get completely
trashed it has been done and is not fun anymore. I feel like movies about
turning a new decade or a milestone are clichéd and boring. Usually the
characters are downers or they are too over the top. But let me tell you that
the world has been saved from boring clichéd turning-another-decade/millstone-movies
with the incredibly hilarious, ridiculously well-acted, and fabulously written Dirty 30.
Fields (Mamrie Hart) is turning 30. She is a single girl and works as an
orthodontist assistant. The movie begins with Kate on a horrible date with a
guy who likes to go Goth on the weekends and has no concept of real life. To
make things worse she sees her ex-boyfriend walk into the restaurant.

later Kate’s best friends Evie (Grace Helbig) and Charlie (Hannah Hart) come
over for dinner. Evie sees there is a letter from one of their old high school
teachers. The letter is actually a letter they wrote to their future 30-year-old
selves. Evie reads the letter out loud. Apparently Kate thought she would be a
dentist with a great husband and some kids. And also for this popular Ashley
Driscol in their school to eat shit. Charlie and Evie realize they have
completely forgotten about Kate’s 30th birthday that weekend. Kate
does not want a huge party she just wants a small get together with her friends
and that is all. Evie and Charlie of course have something else completely in
is stuck in a crappy marriage. Her husband is a jerk who just cares about
himself and his parents are rich snobs. Her husband has plans to take her
skiing with his parents to celebrate his promotion at work which is not a shock
because he works for his father. Evie manages to get out of going skiing that
weekend by saying that something came up at work. With her husband and the
in-laws gone Evie gets to work planning an epic banger for Kate.
is not that much more I want to give away with the plot because Dirty 30 is so
freaking good. There are so many great scenes and lines that I cannot bring
myself to spoil in any way for you.
is the part where I am just going to go out all out and gush about how fucking
amazing Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart, and Hannah Hart were. Holy shit they just
nailed every scene and every line. Grace and Mamrie came up with the story and
Mamrie and another writer wrote the script. This is truly a Holy Trinity movie through
and through. A lot of the humor is their individual humor along with some big
exaggerations which were hilarious. I really have to give it to Grace in this
movie. I was not expecting her character to be as funny as she was and Grace
just totally nailed Evie. I cracked up the hardest with her scenes. Mamrie is a
damn genius with her comedy and acting. Hannah was awesome as this competitive
character who gets more and more competitive with one of the party goers as the
night goes on. Mamrie did the best job of writing Charlie. Hannah is a figure
in the LGBTQ community and Mamrie wrote Charlie like she was just another
person with a girlfriend and it was no big deal. Exactly the way an LGBTQ
character on anything should be portrayed.

rest of the cast was so outrageously perfect. My girl Anna Akana played the
bitch Ashley Driscol and I loved every second of her scenes. Besides the Holy
Trinity I was looking forward to see Anna Akana the most. Mamrie’s BFF Flula
Borg played the DJ and had some really funny lines. Whenever I see Flula all I want
to do is hug him so hard! Rhett and Link make hilarious cameos as two stoners.
Drew Monson was great in his few scenes he had. Mikey Murphey is one of the
most adorable human beings I have ever seen. Chester See is, of course, in
scenes with Grace and his character was crazy! Lee Newton is a treasure not
matter what she is in. She did not really have a lot of lines or screen time
which I wish she did but she was funny as hell in her scenes. And I have to
give a big shout out to Joselyn Hughes who plays a waitress at the beginning of
the movie. I was so excited to see her too.

may be insanely biased when it comes to Dirty
30 because I adore Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart, and Hannah Hart so much but I
gotta tell you guys that the movie is hilarious. If I did not know who the
three of them were and just watched it on like, Netflix, I would think it was
really funny. If you are a fan of the Holy Trinity, you will love Dirty 30 much. There are a lot inside
jokes and puns the girls are fond of throwing around. The story is original and
creative which makes it all the more enjoyable. Within the main story there are
a bunch of others about other characters who learn some things about themselves
and even get some nerve to stand up for themselves. Go watch Dirty 30 as soon as you can even if you
are a fan or not and just want to have a good time watching a comedy movie.