never flirt unless it was necessary.”
title of this film is a very good play on what happens and where the story
takes place.
Preston is young divorce lawyer in New York City. He has enough of women coming
in and making up stories and then trying to hit on him. One day after seeing a
client and a mass of women waiting to see him he runs out of his office in a
hurry. His friend Woodbury (Eugene Pallette) is waiting for him. Woodbury
suggests going up north to Canada to a place called Mantrap for some time just
to get away from everything. Ralph is a little hesitant because he has never
been camping before and does not know the first thing about it.
guy named Joe who lives in Mantrap is tired of living outdoors. He tells his
friend that he has not seen any excitement in twenty years when he had gone
down to Minneapolis and saw a woman’s ankle. His friend tells him that “Ankle
ain’t the half of what they’re showin’ now.” When Joe gets to the city he is
all confused and nearly gets hit by a car. He walks up to a sidewalk. He sees a
pretty young girl come out of a taxi. Joe goes to barber shop to get himself
cleaned up. The girl from the taxi walks in, she works in the shop. Her name is
Alverna (Clara Bow) and she is the manicurist. Joe is embarrassed at first that
his hands are so rough but she tells him she does not mind. When she takes him
to a table he asks her out for dinner. Alverna replies that she does not
usually go out to dinner with men but she likes him enough to go out to dinner.
takes Ralph to a department store to buy come camping clothes. He looks like a
Mountie and feels stupid. When they get up north Ralph is not having any fun
being in the wilderness. He accidentally knocks over a pot of food. Woodbury is
so furious with Ralph he punches him. The two men get into a brawl. Joe is one
of the men that comes and breaks up the fight. He invites Ralph to come and
stay with him for a few days at his house while Woodbury camps out. Averna
waits for Joe on the dock. When she sees her husband has brought home another
man she fixes her hair and makeup. Alverna tells Ralph she is happy to see
someone from New York City. She wants to throw Ralph “a nasty party” but Joe
wants to invite their stuffy neighbors and the reverend he wants a respectable
party. Alverna cannot stand their neighbors they are crabby and mean and do not
like her one bit. Towards the end of the night Alverna manages to get the
crabby neighbors out of the house. As soon as they leave she puts on some
records and dances with all the guys there. She has a great time dancing with
Ralph. Early that morning, Ralph is sleeping on the porch when he hears two
Indians creeping around the house. He scares them off with his gun. Joe and
Alverna come out to see what all the commotion was. Alverna and Joe go back
into the house. She tells her husband that she is too scared after what
happened she is going to stay up and read for a while. Really, Alverna goes
outside to sit with Ralph.
four weeks Ralph has stayed with Joe and for those four weeks Alverna has only
had eyes for Ralph. She tries to kiss Ralph but he pulls away. The following
day Ralph tells Joe he is worried about Woodbury and wants to go find him so
they can head back to New York. Alverna decides to run away. She sees Ralph in
his canoe on the river and calls to him from shore. She wants to go with him
she is sick of Mantrap. Ralph tells her that Joe is his friend taking her away
with him would not be honorable. Alverna gets angry and tells him that she will
just walk home she has done it before. Ralph changes his mind he does not want
her to walk by herself. He lets her know not to think of him as a man but as a
means of transportation. An Indian lets Joe know that Alverna has gone away
with Ralph. Joe grabs his shotgun.
the woods, Ralph really falls in love with Alverna. He wants to write to Joe
for him to divorce her. Their Indian guide deserts them and they are left alone
to find their way. They see an airplane overhead and they wave it down. The
pilot of the plane says he cannot take passengers he is supposed to be flying
around checking to see if there are fires anywhere. Alverna starts flirting
with the pilot and out of that they get a can of food. Ralph is mad at her for
flirting when she said she would not flirt anymore. She tells him it was necessary
they were hungry. Alverna sees Joe riding up the river in his canoe. Ralph goes
to grab his gun. Joe comes ashore with his shotgun ready to shoot. None of the
men do any shooting instead they sit down and talk. Joe tells Ralph he would
rather save him from Alverna then shoot him. Ralph tells Joe that he will marry
Alverna if he will give her a divorce. Joe had planned to send Alverna away to
stay with his aunt in Minneapolis so she can have some fun in the city. Alverna
lets them know that she is her own boss and when she goes to the city she is
not staying with an old aunt. She takes the canoe and leaves Ralph and Joe
and Joe get back to where they are supposed to be. Ralph is now back in New
York at his office and ready to see his clients. Joe is back home and misses
Alverna desperately. One of his neighbors asks him why he still love Alverna
when she was no good. Joe defends his wife he tells the old cow that Alverna is
a good woman. Alverna walks in the door fresh from the city just as Joe was
telling the old woman off. They are both so happy to see each other. She tells
Joe that she was very lonely in the city without him.
cast of this film was very good. The only name you will of course know is Clara
Bow. And possibly know Eugene Pallette if you are good at paying attention to
character actors in older films. I think I have only seen Clara Bow in two
other films besides this and I did not think she was anything special in them. I
liked her in this though. When I think of Clara Bow I think of flappers with
spunky attitudes and that is exactly what she was here.
Mantrap is a good silent film. Victor
Fleming (Gone With the Wind, The Wizard of Oz) directed this and he
did a great job. I am so used to seeing his epic 1939 films that it was nice to
see one of his humble early films. I liked the title is a play on the small
Canadian island that is literally a mantrap and on Clara Bow’s character to
some extent. Mantrap is a funny and
enjoyable silent film that if you can find you should give it a watch.